Network Governance

The UC Humanities Network combines elements of a Multi-Campus Research Unit, a Multi-Campus Research Program, and a Multi-Campus Research Initiative in a multi-faceted, multi-layered infrastructure.

The key elements of governance and accountability are the Humanities Advisory Committee, composed of humanities deans from each of the ten UC campuses; the Consortium of Humanities Centers, composed of the faculty directors of each of the campus humanities centers; and the UC Humanities Research Institute, which administers the core programs of the Network and serves as liaison among the constituencies.

At the end of each academic year, the UCHRI director prepares and submits a Network activity and budget report to the chair of the Humanities Advisory Council chair. Every two years, the Humanities Advisory Committee chair, with support from UCHRI, prepares and submits a report to the UC Office of the President.

To contact your campus deans and directors, visit the Consortium of Humanities Centers or Advisory committee links to the left.