Funding Opportunities

The programs encompassed by the UC Humanities Network support, stimulate, and facilitate excellence in humanities research across all ten campuses of the University of California in a multi-campus program that is both multi-faceted and multi-layered. Funding available through the Network supports both individual and collaborative research of senior and junior faculty, as well as the work of exceptional graduate students.

Funding opportunities currently available through the UC Humanities Network include:

UC President’s Faculty Research Fellowship in the Humanities
These fellowships are open to both junior and senior ladder track faculty at UC campuses and are intended to support individual research projects of notable significance to thought and knowledge in the applicant's field and to the humanities generally. Fellows are selected by a faculty committee appointed by the President's Advisory Committee on Research in the Humanities on the recommendations of the campus Humanities Deans. The selection process is overseen by UCHRI. Between eight and twelve fellowships are awarded each year.

UC President's Graduate Student Fellowships in the Humanities
Selections of graduate students for the UC President’s Society of Fellows are overseen by the humanities deans in collaboration with the humanities center directors on each campus. For more information on these fellowships, please contact your campus humanities center or dean’s office.

Multicampus Research Groups
Multicampus research groups (MRGs) are extended research collaborations by faculty and graduate students from two or more UC campuses around a broadly interdisciplinary topic of compelling or emergent interest within the humanities.  MRGs are selected by the faculty directors of the Consortium of Humanities Centers. The selection process is administered by UCHRI.