Who Can Apply: UC Ladder Rank Faculty
Level of Award: Up to $35,000 for two years. All awards are contingent on available funding.
Funding Source: UC Humanities Network
MRG funds are intended to support long-term collaborative humanities research at any stage of development by UC faculty and advanced graduate students.
MRGs may be interdisciplinary or focused on a traditional discipline, but should engage significant research questions and push the frontiers of knowledge production in the humanities or between the humanities and other fields or modes of inquiry. MRGs should set and explore innovative research agendas in ways that contribute to the advancement of the MRG topic specifically and the humanities as a whole.
The proposal narrative should provide sufficient detail to convey the nature and significance of the proposed collaboration, as well as a substantive description and justification of the expected outcomes of a two-year research agenda. Examples of possible outcomes may include digital or print publication(s); digital archives, websites and other online forms of research dissemination; innovative curricula, learning modules or other pedagogical materials; exhibits, performances, or other public humanities events or engagements; and/or other strategies that support knowledge production and research dissemination.
Successful proposals will include faculty from at least two but preferably three or more UC campuses, and clearly explain how the theme and activities will contribute to research excellence in the humanities. Proposals should also explain how each MRG member will contribute to the group’s stated aims.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss potential proposals with their home-campus humanities institute director, and to work with the institute to create a robust network of participants across other campuses.
Grants will range from $10,000 to $20,000 for 2013-14. If interested in applying for a second year of funding, please include this in your proposal, budget, and budget narrative. Two-year funding should total no more than $35,000. Second year funding is contingent upon available funds and the renewal of support for the UC Humanities Network by the UC Office of the President.
Examples of budget categories include travel, virtual meetings, website production and maintenance, archival development, group consultation of archives or site visits, student-faculty retreats, professional development workshops or other mentoring support for graduate student participants, editorial assistance, and support for collaborative authoring or composition. Proposals for conferences are discouraged. (Note that conferences and seminars, as well as other seed grants, are available through UCHRI, the UC California Studies Consortium, and other UC-based sources.)
Budgets should include itemized estimates for the costs of administering the MRG by your campus department or humanities center. There is a 10% limit on administrative costs: a) if your dean’s office allows it, and b) costs would go to the administrative unit on your campus administering the grant. Examples of administrative expenses might include hours of work-study student time, staff time required for travel arrangements, financial management, web support, and such; costs for photocopies or other research or support materials. Please consult with your campus humanities center director, financial manager or MSO in developing reasonable estimates.
RA and GSR costs should be limited to within 35% of the total budget; larger allocations to that category require special justification that directly and demonstrably contributes to completing the work proposed in ways not otherwise possible, and will be funded only in rare cases. Note: Up to 35% of your budget may support RA and GSR costs UNLESS your budget also claims 10% in administrative costs; in the case that you chose to budget for administrative costs, your RA and GSR costs cannot exceed 25% of the total budget.
Matching funds are not required but any additional campus or external support, including in-kind contributions, for the MRG should be indicated.
Renewal applications from previously funded MRGs are no longer being accepted.
Note: the PI must be a UC ladder rank faculty member who will be responsible for the organization and reporting of the work of the MRG.
For technical assistance, contact techsupport@hri.uci.edu.
For program related questions, please contact Suedine Nakano, Program Officer at snakano@hri.uci.edu.